Tag: Pinot Noir

The comforting qualities of Pinot Noir

To the average wine consumer, selecting a red wine from a bottle shop shelf or a restaurant wine list can be a daunting experience. After all, it can be an expensive treat, but get it wrong and you’ll feel as though you’ve just put a lighter to a $50 or even $100 note! Some reds…
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Pouring Predicaments – Should the Expensive Wine Shine First or Take a Backseat?

When friends come over for dinner, what do you serve first, the expensive hero wine or the cheaper support act? It’s an age-old dilemma when you’re serving two bottles of red with the main meal on Saturday night. Is it better to warm up the palate with the cheapie and impress with the expensive wine,…
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Handpicked Wines from the ‘Pinot Coast’

Whether we care to admit it or not, the Australian mainland doesn’t have too many wine-producing regions that are ideally suited to making the Burgundian classic Pinot Noir. After all, it’s a finicky grape that is highly susceptible to rot and disease and doesn’t do well in warm or wet climates. For this reason, many…
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Tolpuddle Pinot Noir, a gem in the Coal River Valley

With the shifting sands of consumer preferences, cool climate wines, once relegated to the obscurity of the back corner of the bottle shop, are finding themselves increasingly front and centre on the wine buyer’s radar. From the Macedon Ranges and Pyrenees in Victoria, to Great Southern in Western Australia, Orange and Hilltops in NSW and…
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Apsley Gorge Vineyard

There are plenty of jokes about Tasmania being “backwards” and twenty years behind the rest of the country, but when it comes to wine, there is a lot that the mainlanders could learn from the oenologists over on the Apple Isle. For a region first colonised by Europeans in the early 19th century, the state…
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Calabria Saint Petri Shiraz Carignan

4 Wines to try when you’re feeling a little adventurous

Whether we’re creatures of habit looking to break the shackles or open-minded adventurers searching for the next dose of inspiration, there are times when our palates crave something new and different when it’s time for a pre-dinner tipple. Across the globe there are over 100,000 wineries and in excess of 10,000 different types of wine,…
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Castle Rock Pinot Noir - Travis Schultz Wine Review

Castle Rock Estate Pinot Noir 2018

When we think of pinot noir, I suspect that most of us drift towards wines from Burgundy in France, Oregon in the USA or Central Otago in New Zealand’s southern isle, but there are a number of Australian districts that are producing stunning examples of the style and creating what is almost a cult following…
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Sinapius 2017 La Clairiére Pinot Noir

In a modern world in which economies of scale, efficiency in production, and maximisation of yield are so often the underlying aims of the corporate wineries, it’s refreshing to hear stories of success amongst the smaller scale battlers like Vaughn Dell and Linda Morice of Sinapius. They’re a bold new breed of winemaker who defy…
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Sense of time and place

Josef Chromy When a wine wins a major award, I’m like a moth drawn to a flouro light and in what must be a form of FOMO, I find myself compelled to track down a bottle to find out what all the fuss is about. So, when I found out that the Josef Chromy 2017…
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Wild Earth Pinot Noir 2017

Wild Earth Pinot

As the days lengthen and Spring takes grip, red wine drinkers often find themselves shelving the heavy cabernet and shiraz that added warmth over winter in favour of lighter styles like gamay, chianti and pinot noir. At my place, any red with a degree of translucence takes priority as the mercury climbs and the humidity…
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