Tag: Management

Travis Schultz

We need leaders – not bullies

I’ve often heard it said that those who yearn to have power or control but who lack the emotional intelligence to be leaders are instead drawn into bullying-type behaviors. But I wonder whether that’s always true? Is it really frustration or a lack of insight that leads to bullying conduct, or is it some sort…
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Travis Schultz

Leading by Example

My 11-year-old son came home from school late last year with some homework that was cause for a family discussion. Where normally such family meetings are required for solving (relatively simple) mathematical problems, or the best way to complete a task or project, on this occasion it was far more serious. This was preparation for…
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Travis Schultz

Why my Business Coach doesn’t much like my New Year’s resolutions…

So the New Year is once again upon us and we’re busily making promises to ourselves to eat better, exercise more and empty our “too hard” baskets. And, in our professional lives, we are urged by management consultants and accountants to make resolutions to improve margins, cut expenses and enhance profitability. But to me, something…
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